Life Members

Life Membership Terms of Reference

Life Membership is open to all individuals. The recipients are chosen by the Launceston Football Club Board of Directors prior to the Annual General Meeting or at any Special Meeting.

In considering the nominations, the Board will seek to satisfy itself that the person concerned is:

  • any Director, player or member of staff who has completed ten years of service with the Club;
  • and/or any player who has played 150 senior mens games with the Club;
  • and/or any player who has played 100 senior womens games with the club;
  • or any person who has rendered outstanding service to the Club.

Life Membership Nomination form

B.L Thomson*, Rus Valentine*, A.L Freeland*, L.R Tumilty*, R.L St. Hill*, Algy Tynan*, H.E Sutton*, W.T Conder*, G.Doolan*, H.L Freeland*, H.L McElwee*, H.C Cox*, G.W Martin*, J.W Barratt*, J.H Fisher*, Leo McAuley*, Keith Kitt*, T.H Gill*, T.Waldron*, Royce Whittle*, J.A Cahill*, Roy Cooper*, W.H Daymond*, Mrs A.Flounders*, A.J Best*, D.W Shields*, A.R Cooper*, R.E Marriner*, G.B “Paddy” Martin*, T.Westlake*, C.B Brooks*, D.M Columbine*, Ross McCrimmon*, M.Taylor*, W.Callaghan*, Cliff Tabe, B.K Scales*, S.C French*, Mrs Columbine*, Mrs A.R Cooper*, H.Black*, G.Brown*, J.A Bennell*, Ray Levett, Mrs D.Atkins*, Mrs Hoverdon*, Miss M.Jones*, G.C Brown, E.O’Byrne*, Albert Waddle*, Martin Anstee, N.E Wilden, Mrs H.Black*, Mrs L.V Jones, A.W Hesketh, P.A Robertson, G.A Tuthill, T.M Furfaro, G.R Davis, J.McCafferty*, Mrs R.Cooper*, Paul Ellis, R.P McCormack, Bruce Davidson*, E.D Fraser, T.Senior*, Michael Stephens, J.D Allison*, M.A Mackiehan*, K.French, Dennis Seen, Peter Scott, Robert Dutton, John McCrimmon, Peter Thurlow*, M.J Howard, Mrs M.E Howard, R.Davis*, Mrs A.Davis, Phil Giblin, M.Brown, E.R Barnard, Craig Turmine, Mrs V.E Purton, R.A Campbell, K.J Goldsmith, Mrs M.J Thurlow, Damien Donnelly, Mrs Helen Cocker, Mrs Raelene Giblin, Geoff Foley, Kerry Sanders, Kane Sanders, Ron Miller, Gary Streets, Phil LeFevre, Mrs Liz Curtis*, Wayne Seen, Beau Green, Tim Cocker, Lyn Faulkner, G.G Harris*, Gary Shipton, Sam O’Keefe, Gene Savage, Malcolm Atkins, Adam Sanders, Luke French, Scott Stephens, Kurt McCabe, Darrin Geard, Daniel Ellis, Adam Derbyshire, Cale O’Keefe, Jordan Harris, Corey Sheppard, Paul O’Donoghue, David Petterwood, Darlene Petterwood, Nathan O’Donoghue, John Turmine, Sonny Whiting, Joesef Boyce, Richard Vimpany, Sarah Cocker, Lindy Whitmore, Tim Bristow, Angela Dickson, Craig Seen, Anna Masters, Hayley Whyte, Chris Savage, Jake Smith, Andrew Gillow, Darren Lovell, Joe Groenewegen, Phil Thurlow, Mark Thurlow, Brian Finch, Anthony Taylor, Brodie Palfreyman, Mitch Thorp, Kristie Giblin
